Saturday, December 1, 2012

Finding My Way Back

The last 6 months was a whirlwind for me.  I was sinking and didn't realize it.  The summer ended with the death of my mother in law, a trip and the start of a new job.  I neglected writing the blog because I just got so busy.  The start of this school year was the most stressful I have ever experienced.  I was at my wit's end.  Then, October hit and I hit the wall.  It started with the death of two acquaintances.  They died of weight related illnesses.  This was hard for me because I am a health coach and had reached out to one of them in an attempt to help them shed some pounds.  In the background of my mind, however was the pain I was feeling because in May I lost another dear friend to cancer.  I had not spoke to her in the months prior to her death.  I had talked to her Sept early Oct and had been saying I would call her to check on her.  I kept putting it off and it was getting closer to school being out.  So, I began to say that I would wait until school was out and go see her or perhaps, she and I would go to lunch, if she was up to it like we did every year.  I didn't realize she was as sick as she was.  I had made up my mind to call her as soon as school was out.  School was out May 25th.  My friend died on May 25th.  I found out the day before her funeral.  Her husband said he thought someone else had gotten in touch with me.  I am devastated.  Well, needless to say, before Oct was over I lost two more acquaintances, both were murdered. I spiraled into a depression and didn't even realize it.  I knew I was unraveling at the seams, but didn't know what was wrong.  I was stress eating and before it was over had put on 20 pounds in one month.  I was losing it.  My daughter ask me two weeks ago if I were depressed.   I have suffered from bouts of mild depression before and I guess she recognized the pattern.  I said that I didn't think so because overall things were going well in my life.  She pointed out my behavior and how I was stressing over the deaths and how they had affected me.  It was a light bulb moment.  I knew what I must do to combat the hold of depression.  There is no room for depression when you are enveloped in a blanket of praise and thanksgiving.  I am fighting to find my way back and I am down 6 pounds.  I am concentrating on the blessings I have received and the goodness of the Lord.  I am praying for healing and for God to take away the pain.  I am stronger than any desire to nibble and stress eat.  I worked too hard to lose the weight and cannot go back to where I started.  I stepped on the scale one week ago and was heartbroken at the 190.4 that stared up at me.  I wanted to cry, but that was the battle cry that snapped me completely back.  I have wanted to blog, but didn't have the courage to say what I was thinking or feeling.  Healing for me comes with writing.  This is catharsis.  I am finding my way back and will be stronger as a result.  I am sure I will have more moments, more challenges, but I am so happy to know that God is a comforter. I know that I am blessed beyond my wildest imagination and with the best yet to come, I will always find my way back to that place of praise where He resides.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Still Here

The last few months have been hard.  I guess it started with the death of a good friend in May, followed by the death of my mother in law, traveling, a new teaching position, the lead position and then 4 deaths in October cuppled with 3 other part time endeavors.  I am still here and still leaning and depending on God to see me through.  I have faced stress unimaginable and I am dealing with all that I have to with alll that is within me.  Stay tuned for more inspiration and motivation soon.  I am still standing!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Some Where Over the Rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow..... I smile and thank the Lord every time I see a rainbow in the sky or I see a rainbow that someone captured and posted on Facebook.  Genesis 9: 15-16 gives reference to the bow in the cloud and how it will be a a reminder of the covenant of God between Him and his people.  God reminds of of his promise with the sign of the rainbow.  Every time I see one, I remember how God loves me and cares for me.  I am reminded that the desires of my heart will come to fruition.  I am more determined to move my life into alignment with his Word, so that I may enjoy the benefits of his promise. I see hope. Whatever my circumstances are today, I know I will have my breakthrough.  It also gives me a sense of peace.  I live a fairly stress free life knowing that I have learned how to turn all things in my life over to the Lord.  The rainbow is a symbol that reminds me that I an protected, covered and redeemed! 
(Thanks Keith J. for sharing this photo.  It inspired me.)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Don’t Give Up the Fight

Don’t give up the fight for the things that make you strive to do more, be better, live better or achieve the goal that seems to keep eluding you.  I woke up in the middle of the night thinking of my daughter and her job search.  Equipped with a master’s degree and the appropriate skills, she is a final candidate for a position that she can visualize herself in.  I woke up with a prayer on my heart and I had to get up and write down what I was thinking after I prayed.  This message is for her, myself and anyone who is thinking that the fight is getting the best of them.

Everything that God has for you is there for you to receive.  At times it seems like you are not moving in the direction you desire.  Or perhaps, you feel things are just not happening for you as you planned.  It is hard to keep the faith and keep the momentum of fighting for what you want in life when everyone around you seems to be receiving their blessing without the fervent prayer, without honoring God and without acknowledgement of where the blessings are coming from.  Hold on anyway!  Continue to thank God for the opportunities that you have encountered thus far.  Thank Him for the unseen blessing.  Continue to make that connection with your destination.  We all desire something right now.  We are in need of something to happen in our lives at the present moment.  The fight seems to be more than we can handle today.  We are looking for a breakthrough and require a shower of God’s grace upon our endeavors to let us know that the labor we have given is not in vain.  Why does “it” seem not to be happening for us?  What more do I need to do?  How long do I have to live in this state before there is elevation of my situation?  I’ve been in the storm far too long and I need a life line to rescue me.   The fight has been long and hard and I feel myself waning in the midst of the battle.  I say to you, Don’t Give Up the Fight!
It is not in our time that things will happen or turn around.  Your breakthrough may not come in the form you think it will come.  Be faithful over the few things is the thought that comes from the parable of the servants and the talents (His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. (Matthew 25: 21 & 23) The reward is great for those who are steadfast.
You may be tired, but you not out for the count.  You’re tired, but you are still standing. Isaiah 40: 30-31 tells us that “Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."  There is strength in you that you may not even be aware existed.  But, you say you still need a breakthrough that is tangible.
Look for a breakthrough that may be in other areas of your life.  This breakthrough may be necessary in order for you to appreciate and maintain the desire that you are praying for. Patience attained where it didn’t exist in your life prior to the fight.  Follow through and stick to-it-ness where you might have given up and not realized what you were working toward.  Acknowledge the breakthrough.  Realizing that there is a fight left in you is a breakthrough within itself.  Being thankful and not resentful of your present circumstances is a breakthrough.  As we conquer the small battles, we move closer to the destination God planned for our lives.  With every battle, we fight, we get stronger and closer to the outcome of the plan He has for us.   He is preparing us.  (I hear Daryl Coley singing in my head.) Don’t give up the fight.  Each battle has a purpose in preparing us for the next blessing on the list God has ready for us to receive.
Daryl Coley He's Preparing Me 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Press Toward The Mark

What is your goal?  Where do you see your destination in 12 months?  Setting short term goals and long term goals seem to elude so many of us today.  We seem to get caught up in the day to day process of living.  Dreams seem to dilute themselves and often we just stop dreaming.  Scripture tells us that where  there is no vision the people perish.  I dare you to dream a dream.  I challenge you to set a mark for yourself.  I encourage you to live for tomorrow while taking care of today.  Find your way, even when it seems like it is impossible to to see your way through.  I am pressing toward the mark!  I am setting new goals for myself.  I am living in the now with the knowledge that my tomorrow will bring new adventures and new destinations for my life. I am creating a blueprint to follow that will lay a foundation for realization of my destination.  Can you see your desires coming into view?  Are your desires a mere vision? Press toward the mark and make the dream count!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Keep Your Head to the Sky

Psalm 121 1-2

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

It is amazing to me how God can move in your life.  I stand in awe of Him.  I think about those times when I am confronted and I begin to think on those things of God.  I think of how He loves me and how He cares for me.  I lift my hands in praise and reverence to the Lord.  It can be comforting to know that He is still in control.  No matter how the day went or the last evening deteriorated and went up in flames. Know that God is still in control.  There can be stretches where it seems everything is going well.  I normally get a little cautious because the enemy is waiting to jump right on in.  I must recognize that the wrinkle is temporary and not to freak out.  How we handle those moments that creep in with havoc in an otherwise pleasant and calm day is what is important.  Call it what it is and keep your head to the sky.  Keep your eyes fixed on the help to get you through.  Call out the confusion and keep your head lifted.    Call upon a power that is greater than any obstacle you may face.  Keep your head to the sky.  Acknowledge all that is good and going right and how, if you allow the havoc to continue, not only today will be destroyed, but tomorrow as well.  Keep your head to the sky and look to the hills for your help is in Him.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Getting Through Your Go Through

I often wonder what people do without a strong spiritual connection when life seems to pile up on them. What do you do?  How do you get through when you are going through?  People don't understand why I am smiling and jovial most all of the time.  There are days that I have to remind myself to keep smiling.  We can make a choice to be happy; even in the face of adversity.  Making the choice are the operative words here.  Choose to be happy and experience the fullness of life or choose to dwell in a place that will grow despair like a weed.  What do I do when I am going through?   I love music and I love to sing, so I listen to my favorite music.  Gospel, R & B, or jazz are my genres of choice.  I keep a song in my heart and I sing myself happy.  No, really, I keep singing until I am overjoyed! I remind myself that I have authority given by the Most High to overcome the obstacles that I face.  In the wake of possibly being jobless soon, I have kept my sanity.  I know that there is a plan for my life.  I also know that there is a season for everything.  How do I get through?  I keep a song in my heart and I keep the music flowing around me.  What do you do to get through when you are going through?   Share your strategy in a comment.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Faith is an Action Word

Are you praying earnestly for a move of God in your life?  Are you waiting on an answer? Faith allows us to believe that God will provide and that He will answer the prayer.  I believe that we are to turn our situations over to God and leave them there.  In the meantime, I believe that you must start moving in the direction that you desire your blessing to come.  If you are praying for a new house and never save money toward it or prepare yourself to have the credit to buy a home, then you are not acting on your faith.  Put your faith in action.  The necessary steps to repair your credit or to keep your credit score intact are necessary.  Saving money for the move is required.  If you are not able to make a down payment, research will be needed to find programs that may assist you.  Prayers for restoration in a relationship should facilitate self-examination of the problems and an earnest attempt to communicate with the other person honestly and openly. Perhaps, it may mean seeking help from a professional to mend the relationship.  Action is required.  I made the decision that I was going to follow a desire to be a motivational speaker and I am praying for God to open doors for me to speak to individuals, groups, churches and wherever I may be invited. I have the faith that my prayer will come to fruition.  I now have to put my faith into action and take steps toward that end.   Preparation is the phase of my faith in action plan.  Today’s thought is simply “Have the faith that what you are praying for will become reality and take appropriate action as you prepare for the prayer to materialize.  Faith is an action word.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Weight Loss Website

I am excited about the move of God in my life.    Many of you may be interested in my weight loss. I now have a website that you can view my story and learn about the program. Visit

Friday, April 13, 2012

Weathering the Storm

A look back over life's journey may find many situations that occurred that made you feel like you were in the middle of a storm.  The situations may have tossed you as fiercely as the raging winds of a tornado or pounded you like the force of a hurricane.  You may have hunkered down to keep from being blown totally off your course.  Storms come in many forms.  Whatever storm you may be encountering, there is a reason and a purpose for the storm.  I believe that the forces of evil that are sent out into the world are seeking whom they can destroy.  I believe these agents are commissioned to devour the joy from our lives.  How do we weather the storm?  How do we stand in times of adversity?  What do you do when nothing seems to work in your favor?  Why does it seem that when you get through one situation and you haven't even recovered fully that you are plunged into another situation?  Stand firm on your beliefs in the turbulent trials of life.  Find an anchor to hold firmly to.  Strive to concentrate on your blessings.  No matter how minuscule they may seem; shout out a thank you to the Lord.  There is a line in a Marvin Sapp song that says "Praise will confuse the enemy."  Though you are in the midst of your storm, finding that place where God meets you is essential to your break through.  Is it really necessary to come out of the storm?  Be confident while in the storm and know that your way is covered and protected by the veil of your praise and the acknowledgement that all things come together for good for them who love the Lord.  At times, we are given a test so that we may have a testimony for others who are also in the path of the storm.  Weathering the storm doesn't always mean the storm passes over.  It may mean living a life of gratitude and thanksgiving; being a beacon of light that is demonstrative of the goodness that you find in the midst of your storm.  It may be an opportunity to share the peace that will transcend all understanding of how you are able to smile, be happy and still manage to live productively and prosperously.  Learn how to weather your storms with the knowledge that you are a chosen vessel created to glorify Him.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Fake It Till You Make it

Life continually brings us twist and turns.  The way we handle our situations is what makes the difference in our outlook for outcomes.  Make a conscious decision everyday to be happy no matter what is going on.  Through frustration, agitation, disgust and disappointment, make the decision to be happy anyway.  Make an effort to smile even though you feel like crying.  Take a moment and regroup.  Wrap yourself up in your favorite music.  Meditate on the blessings in your life.  Set in motion a praise that just want quit.  When you are enveloped in praise, it is difficult to be depressed.  Fake it.  Yes, I said, FAKE IT.  Fake it until you have materialized, exactly, the joy you are perpetrating and it will seep into your consciousness and soon you will be happy.  Pretend until it comes to past.  Acknowledge your struggle.  Acknowledge what you are going through, by all means and then give it a good dose of joy.  The battle will seem less burdening as you fill your mind, heart and soul with joy.  This won't make the struggle go away, but it will allow you to deal with it in a whole different way.  Yes, fake it until you make it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Speaking Positively: What You Say to Others

Speaking positively into the lives of others is just important in our daily life as positive self talk
Speak words of success and prosperity into everyone you come in contact with.  If you are encouraging by speaking words that are positive, you are setting in motion a drive for success in that person’s life.  We really need to watch what we speak into others.  We can plant seeds that grow into self-hate, self-doubt and ultimately failure.  Or, we can plant seeds that yield good health, happiness, prosperity and success.   Don’t be the naysayer that always finds a hundred reasons why someone can’t.  Find the one reason why they can.  Turn your statements into the affirmative.  I am careful what I say to others.  I don’t want to plant negative seeds.  I want to always be a positive force.   I don’t mean be gushy with joy.  You can speak the truth without sounding cold and heartless. I am reminded of my students and how I try to tell them that they are stars; that they are intelligent and that I see success in their future.  My thought is merely; watch what you put out in the atmosphere.  Keep your thoughts and your words in the affirmative as you speak into the lives of others

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Exposing Youth to African American History

I am coordinating the Saturday Detention program where I work.  For the last few months I have been showing Eyes on the Prize and today, Spike Lee's 4 Little Girls. While they are watching, I felt compelled to write this blog.   I firmly believe that as much exposure we can give our young people the better.  It is my opinion that integration has not had the effect intended on our communities.  Everything that was given as to why African Americans were not desired in neighborhoods or the schools, our young people who generally having no knowledge of the Modern Civil Rights Movement, act as if they read a play book.  Test scores, reading levels, jobless rates, crime, the rate that Black men are jailed are issues in the Black community with rates higher than most other communities.  I understand that there are many other social issues in play.  But as a teacher, I get disheartened when I see the behavior and the lack of caring from our children.  Bringing home F's is OK.  Parents have all but lost control in many homes.  Students refuse to put forth an effort to learn skills despite teachers employing best practices in the classroom.  I feel they have no connection to the struggle.  They do not see a connection with The Movement and their lives.  I have taught children in the county areas of St. Louis and they have no idea that 30-40 years ago blacks did not live in their neighborhoods, let alone go to the schools they attend.  There is no pride.  I try in my own little corner of the world to expose my students to as much history as I can about the local area.  I will explain why North St. Louis and parts of North County are predominantly black and parts of South St. Louis and most of South County is predominantly white.  South City and County has approximately 11% of the city's black population and in North City and County, blacks comprise approximately 70% of the population. It is my hope that exposing them will ignite the desire for them to learn more.  I want them to not take for granted the education or the opportunities afforded them.  I want them to realize that the fact that they are in the schools that they are in is a direct result of blood, lives lost and struggle.  I want them to step up.  Yes, we have issues, but we had issues in past generations and I, believe education was stressed as an avenue to change circumstances.  Let's get acquainted with our history and expose our young people to our rich history.  Exposing them, teaching them will hopefully stir the embers of hope.  It only takes one.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Speaking Positively: Self Talk

Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Romans 4:17
… and calleth those things which be not as though they were.

These two scriptures are two of my favorite passages.  They are my go to quotes for daily inspiration.  Things do not always go as we plan.  Situations may arise that we do not understand.  However, I have found that speaking positively has helped lift my spirits and is one of the ways I keep from falling into a state of depression.  What we say to ourselves can have such an impact in our lives.  If you speak negatively about your situation, how can we expect to have positive outcomes?  I really believe what we put out into the atmosphere has an effect on how we operate.  I affirm what I desire.  I believe that God will supply my every need.  I know that this is a process and many will say that this is easier said than done.  But, like everything else in our life that we learn to do; practice makes perfect.  Your circumstances are real.  We must deal with what is happening in our lives right now.  But, instead of saying, for instance, I will never find a job.  Or, the job market is too bad for me to find a job.  Here’s another one:  The economy will never allow me to make the money I need to get ahead.  I take the approach where I speak my desire as if I know that it will come to fruition and speak it positively and boldly.  I will find a job.  I will make the money that I need to take care of my needs.  When we truly believe that God is providing, then we can stand on that promise.  Self talk is important and how you perform that self talk makes the difference in your attitude while you wait for your circumstances to change.  I will continue to speak those things that be not as though they were.  I will continue to proclaim my desires in the affirmative and wait with joy as God fulfills His promises for me in my life. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Worthy Words

Two weeks ago, I went to a Teacher Job Fair for the areas independent schools and met a very nice woman who at 65 had retired, but only having 8 years in the public school system, her retirement check was just not doing it.   She had worked in Catholic Schools and in the private sector and had some savings.  We joked that we would be working the rest of our lives. But, it is true for those of us who entered the system late to feel like there is no end, like she did. Or, like me, who pulled their money out to invest in a business or needed the money for other reasons and now find themselves starting over to feel we will be working until death.    We talked every time we ran into each on the gym floor as we navigated the tables dropping off resumes and trying to make that impression that would set us apart.  As I shared tidbits with her about different aspects of teaching children that were not functioning at level and how I had been successful, she began to reveal how tough it had been in the district where she taught and how broken she was.  We eventually sat down and began to really talk.  I related to her how I felt that I was able to cope in environments that the children seemed not to have the motivation to learn.  She spoke very candidly about her experiences.  She never gave up.  She felt broken, not only by the students, but, also, by the system that seemed not to support her.  No matter how difficult her students made it for her, she was committed to teaching them and enriching their lives.  I began to share that although broken, God wants us to concentrate on the positive aspect of all that happens in our lives.  As she relayed her fears, I would find the positive aspect of what she said and watch her eyes light up.  She told me how she appreciated how I was so helpful, but most of all she said that I had helped her begin to heal more than a year of therapy had done.  As tears began to swell in our eyes, I told her that she would be ok and to continue to land on her broken pieces rather than they on her.  She told me I had a helping spirit and that it was not just a coincidence that she sat next to me, but Divine intervention for her life.  She left looking so much younger than she did when she sat down next to me 3 hours earlier as I had helped her into her seat.  Though, she said I had helped her, I began to think of what my calling in life was.  She helped me as much as I had helped her.  God placed a total stranger in my path and allowed me to see that the words that He places on my lips are worthy to share.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone (originally written Jan. 3, 2012)

We get comfortable in one position or one stage in our life. We get comfortable with doing the same things. We get comfortable with our surroundings. We are comfortable because it is what we know. It is easy. You don’t have to think about it. You don’t have to put much effort into it. You fall into a place of complacency. How do you know it is time to move out of that place? At times, we have this inner voice saying to us that there is more for you to do. Sometimes, things happen in your life to force you to move out of that comfort zone. Things will start to get shaken up in your life. Things will start happening and the ripple effects will start to roll through your life sending you on a rollercoaster ride that you just want to end. You begin to wonder what is going on. What am I doing? Why is this happening to me? Sometimes, these things are happening to wake you up. It is almost as if we are walking through life asleep. You are wondering why things are not working out the way I wanted them to. You ask is this the way things are supposed to be. Or, you may ask is this it?

In reality, you have just become comfortable. You just exist from day to day. Life is not bad. You’re making it. You have accomplished a few things. But, still there are the ripples. You begin to feel that I am no longer challenging myself. You have not really had a dream where you can say I feel good about this and how I am living this dream. Perhaps, you have already envisioned that dream and it is still a just a dream. Maybe, you have lived your ultimate dream. Perhaps, you have achieved what you believed was the culmination of your life’s work and you find yourself in a position that now requires you to develop new dreams and set new goals. What’s next?
What is it that God has in store for you? Are you developing new goals and dreaming new dreams? Asking God to show you and lead you can be the answer you are seeking. You must know the things you have always wanted to do are possible. For with God all things are possible. As the scriptures teaches us in Matthew 19:26, “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Write your vision down make it plain. Be a dreamer and put it into motion and make it a reality. Habakkuk 2:2 tells us clearly what to do. “And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”
Being in your comfort zone can hinder you from the growth that you may be seeking. Having no vision can hinder you from achieving what you desire. Proverbs 29:18 teaches, “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Set goals; whether it is as simple as people you want to talk to or organizations you want to be associated with. Stretch out; don’t be afraid. Ask questions. Take the first step.
Your comfort zone can be your hindrance. Don’t be afraid to move beyond what you are comfortable with. Have a vision, a dream and put it into motion and take the steps necessary to achieve what you desire in 2012.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Expectancy (originally written Dec. 31, 2010)

December 31, 2010
The end of the year is usually a time of reflection. We look over our lives and assess the highs and the lows. We make an effort to evaluate where our successes were in order to set a path for even better outcomes in the new year. I do this all the time. I recount my year and make evaluations. Well, this year something different is in my spirit. The word “expectancy” describes how I am feeling. I began to search the scriptures and at first, I thought it was just to be able to give a word of encouragement to others. And, this I did.

Romans 4:17 tells us “As it is written, I have made thee father of nations, before him whom he believeth, even God who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things that be not as though they were. This has been my mantra for years. Speak those things that be not as though they were. This is the scripture that I shared. But, that feeling of expectancy was just too strong in my spirit. I began to research scriptures of expectancy. I wanted to be able to speak the word, knowing that there is power in speaking the word. Proverbs 18:21 teaches that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat of the fruit thereof.

Believing that speaking of the goodness and the fullness of God’s promises will trigger a spirit of expectancy in my life, I began to realize that God was speaking to me to be expectant of the life he preordained for me. Now, I am excited and want to share with my family and friends.

We must walk in a path that is lined with praise. It is not enough to say I pray God’s blessings. It is time to expect His blessings. Let go of any and all negativity in your life. Expect a miracle, expect his promise, and expect prosperity in your finances and in your health. We must expect salvation through Christ of family members. God said, “ For surely there is an end, and thine expectation shall not be cut off” (Proverbs 23:18). God already has a plan for our lives and we must remove the obstacles keeping us from what He has for us. Jeremiah 29:11 reads, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. So, just think of the possibility.

It is time, as we move into a new year, to leave and be delivered from depression, debt and stress. Move into the new year with expectancy as God give us grace. Renew in your spirit a place of praise and thankfulness. Be expectant of God’s blessings and allow him to move you to the place He has already ordained for you. Thank God for for the past year and be excited for a new level of understanding in the upcoming year. Speak it into existence and expect the manifestation of His will in your in your marriage, in your relationships, in your career, in your finances, in your health, in your education. Expect it in your entire life. Thank you Lord for expectancy!

I Have Something to Say...

I am always giving encouraging words to friends, family, coworkers and students, so why is it so hard for me to sit down and put what's on my mind to paper.  I often get through talking with someone and wish I could recreate what I just said.  I was speaking with a friend whom I admire and consider a younger sister who told me to get on Blogspot and start now!  I began blogging during my weight loss journey to document my journey.  After I reached goal, I suddenly felt that I had nothing to say.  Well, Oh, contraire! I do have something within me that I want to share with anyone and everyone who is willing to  I am the type of person that when people meet me and I tell them that I am actually shy and a little introverted they tell me "No Way!"  I am stepping out of my comfort zone and starting this new journey.  I have a deep spiritual base which keeps me grounded in Biblical principles.  I am in awe of what God has done in my life. I am excited about sharing my insights as an educator, entrepreneur, wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend.   Today's thought is simply "Move out of your comfort zone and just do it!"