Monday, May 7, 2012

Keep Your Head to the Sky

Psalm 121 1-2

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

It is amazing to me how God can move in your life.  I stand in awe of Him.  I think about those times when I am confronted and I begin to think on those things of God.  I think of how He loves me and how He cares for me.  I lift my hands in praise and reverence to the Lord.  It can be comforting to know that He is still in control.  No matter how the day went or the last evening deteriorated and went up in flames. Know that God is still in control.  There can be stretches where it seems everything is going well.  I normally get a little cautious because the enemy is waiting to jump right on in.  I must recognize that the wrinkle is temporary and not to freak out.  How we handle those moments that creep in with havoc in an otherwise pleasant and calm day is what is important.  Call it what it is and keep your head to the sky.  Keep your eyes fixed on the help to get you through.  Call out the confusion and keep your head lifted.    Call upon a power that is greater than any obstacle you may face.  Keep your head to the sky.  Acknowledge all that is good and going right and how, if you allow the havoc to continue, not only today will be destroyed, but tomorrow as well.  Keep your head to the sky and look to the hills for your help is in Him.