Saturday, June 2, 2012

Don’t Give Up the Fight

Don’t give up the fight for the things that make you strive to do more, be better, live better or achieve the goal that seems to keep eluding you.  I woke up in the middle of the night thinking of my daughter and her job search.  Equipped with a master’s degree and the appropriate skills, she is a final candidate for a position that she can visualize herself in.  I woke up with a prayer on my heart and I had to get up and write down what I was thinking after I prayed.  This message is for her, myself and anyone who is thinking that the fight is getting the best of them.

Everything that God has for you is there for you to receive.  At times it seems like you are not moving in the direction you desire.  Or perhaps, you feel things are just not happening for you as you planned.  It is hard to keep the faith and keep the momentum of fighting for what you want in life when everyone around you seems to be receiving their blessing without the fervent prayer, without honoring God and without acknowledgement of where the blessings are coming from.  Hold on anyway!  Continue to thank God for the opportunities that you have encountered thus far.  Thank Him for the unseen blessing.  Continue to make that connection with your destination.  We all desire something right now.  We are in need of something to happen in our lives at the present moment.  The fight seems to be more than we can handle today.  We are looking for a breakthrough and require a shower of God’s grace upon our endeavors to let us know that the labor we have given is not in vain.  Why does “it” seem not to be happening for us?  What more do I need to do?  How long do I have to live in this state before there is elevation of my situation?  I’ve been in the storm far too long and I need a life line to rescue me.   The fight has been long and hard and I feel myself waning in the midst of the battle.  I say to you, Don’t Give Up the Fight!
It is not in our time that things will happen or turn around.  Your breakthrough may not come in the form you think it will come.  Be faithful over the few things is the thought that comes from the parable of the servants and the talents (His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. (Matthew 25: 21 & 23) The reward is great for those who are steadfast.
You may be tired, but you not out for the count.  You’re tired, but you are still standing. Isaiah 40: 30-31 tells us that “Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."  There is strength in you that you may not even be aware existed.  But, you say you still need a breakthrough that is tangible.
Look for a breakthrough that may be in other areas of your life.  This breakthrough may be necessary in order for you to appreciate and maintain the desire that you are praying for. Patience attained where it didn’t exist in your life prior to the fight.  Follow through and stick to-it-ness where you might have given up and not realized what you were working toward.  Acknowledge the breakthrough.  Realizing that there is a fight left in you is a breakthrough within itself.  Being thankful and not resentful of your present circumstances is a breakthrough.  As we conquer the small battles, we move closer to the destination God planned for our lives.  With every battle, we fight, we get stronger and closer to the outcome of the plan He has for us.   He is preparing us.  (I hear Daryl Coley singing in my head.) Don’t give up the fight.  Each battle has a purpose in preparing us for the next blessing on the list God has ready for us to receive.
Daryl Coley He's Preparing Me 

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