Saturday, March 24, 2012

I Have Something to Say...

I am always giving encouraging words to friends, family, coworkers and students, so why is it so hard for me to sit down and put what's on my mind to paper.  I often get through talking with someone and wish I could recreate what I just said.  I was speaking with a friend whom I admire and consider a younger sister who told me to get on Blogspot and start now!  I began blogging during my weight loss journey to document my journey.  After I reached goal, I suddenly felt that I had nothing to say.  Well, Oh, contraire! I do have something within me that I want to share with anyone and everyone who is willing to  I am the type of person that when people meet me and I tell them that I am actually shy and a little introverted they tell me "No Way!"  I am stepping out of my comfort zone and starting this new journey.  I have a deep spiritual base which keeps me grounded in Biblical principles.  I am in awe of what God has done in my life. I am excited about sharing my insights as an educator, entrepreneur, wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend.   Today's thought is simply "Move out of your comfort zone and just do it!"


  1. Build it and they will come...speak it and they will listen...Terri, write it and we will read it and be encouraged and we will grow and dare to go and do it! Love you sweet, bold sister. =^,,^=

  2. Katsakiddo-Thank you dear! I appreciate your support. Love you too!

  3. Greetings Terri!
    Thank you so much for joining From Girls to Goddesses. I can really relate to your post. I joined Blogger in 2008 and did not start until just a few weeks ago! I could never understand why it was so difficult to write instead of talking, teaching and motivating others. But there is just something permanent about writing. Once you put yourself out there, you are pretty much exposed. But guess what, here we are: stepping out of our "comfort zones" and building connections. I am looking forward to reading your next hundred posts!:)
