Sunday, July 9, 2017

Showing up and Showing out!

When I tell you that God will show out in your life, I really mean just that.  I have been in awe of His work in my life over the last year.  He never makes mistakes, so whatever you are going through look for the lesson, the discovery or just the knowledge gained. I am so grateful for my journey.  It may be bumpy at times and  I may not quite understand the outcome at the moment.  But, I have remained faithful and He has shown His faithfulness to me.  I will never cease to give God praise for the doors opened, the doors closed and the paths He has paved for me.  Whatever you are going through, count your blessings and seek Him and never cease to give Praise!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Millennial Epiphany for a Baby Boomer

I sit here watching an episode of T.D. Jakes talk show where Millennials speak and Bishopd Jakes said that we, Boomers, were the trailblazers, trendsetters and go getters. I was born right at the end of the Baby Boom era and have always had a desire to do me.  I started this blog years back and as soon as "life" became all encompassing, what I desired, what I loved and wanted to do became a passing thought.  One of the Millennials spoke about having a job that they literally became ill when they arrived at work.  I have experienced that feeling and sit, today, with a heart monitor and on several different medications.  I am not happy with the direction my life has taken.  I have accomplished many things that make me proud.  I went to school despite the odds.  I have multiple graduate degrees.  I have had success in my career.  I have owned my own business, but yet, I feel there's something missing.  The one thing that I enjoy and love to do more than anything is writing.  I love to sit and write about how I feel, I love to explore topics and discuss the why and how.  What I heard from these young people and from my own 30 year old daughter, is self satisfaction trumps that 9 to 5 that may bring no happiness.  I immediately went to my blog and started typing. I have done the right things all my life.  I went to school, made good grades and chased the American dream.  A dream that I really never fully believed was within my reach.  I am at a crossroads. I'm feeling lost and not quite sure of my purpose. I started this post a few weeks ago.  After chatting briefly with a dear cousin on social media and sharing this site, I realized this post was unpublished. Well, I'm tapping the publish button.  (Update-I'm no longer on a heart monitor. Heart's just fine)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Desire

My desire is to be able to live my life exactly the way I want.  I desire to be happy and bless others as I travel this journey.  I desire more time to develop me.  I desire the strength to impact lives in a positive. way.  I desire to create a positive atmosphere around me which attracts others who desire positivity in their life. I desire to fulfill my dreams.  I desire peace.  I desire...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Last year I started this blog with the intention of writing a blog each week.  Life began to happen and I allowed the blog to sit on the back burner.  I desire to be the type of person that leads by example.  As a teacher, I desire to spark in my students the fire to be whatever they dream.  I find myself so many times needing inspiration myself.   I can not tell you how many times I have read my own blog entries and said yes, you can get through this.  Life can be a roller coaster at times.   I have had my share of ups and downs.  This blog was not intended to be a personal journey, but instead a place where inspiration and motivation was plentiful.  I found it difficult to find that within myself.  Choosing to blog is a testament of my declaration that I have something to say.  I dare anyone reading this to follow your heart.  Listen to that voice within you.  If you have a burning desire or if you have been seeking an answer and refuse to hear what your heart is telling you, I challenge you to take a moment, a day; take some time out and reflect.  Find your passion! Rekindle what makes your heart sing.  Happiness begins with you!  Take time to figure out what you need to do to be happy and work towards that end.  Reflect then act!

Friday, April 5, 2013

A Fit Life Video Blog #6 Stop Losing Weight!

How do you tell someone their weight is at an unhealthy state? Why do we tell people who are in the process of losing weight they don't need to lose anymore? Awkward conversations..  Take a look at the video and tell what you think.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Finding My Way Back

The last 6 months was a whirlwind for me.  I was sinking and didn't realize it.  The summer ended with the death of my mother in law, a trip and the start of a new job.  I neglected writing the blog because I just got so busy.  The start of this school year was the most stressful I have ever experienced.  I was at my wit's end.  Then, October hit and I hit the wall.  It started with the death of two acquaintances.  They died of weight related illnesses.  This was hard for me because I am a health coach and had reached out to one of them in an attempt to help them shed some pounds.  In the background of my mind, however was the pain I was feeling because in May I lost another dear friend to cancer.  I had not spoke to her in the months prior to her death.  I had talked to her Sept early Oct and had been saying I would call her to check on her.  I kept putting it off and it was getting closer to school being out.  So, I began to say that I would wait until school was out and go see her or perhaps, she and I would go to lunch, if she was up to it like we did every year.  I didn't realize she was as sick as she was.  I had made up my mind to call her as soon as school was out.  School was out May 25th.  My friend died on May 25th.  I found out the day before her funeral.  Her husband said he thought someone else had gotten in touch with me.  I am devastated.  Well, needless to say, before Oct was over I lost two more acquaintances, both were murdered. I spiraled into a depression and didn't even realize it.  I knew I was unraveling at the seams, but didn't know what was wrong.  I was stress eating and before it was over had put on 20 pounds in one month.  I was losing it.  My daughter ask me two weeks ago if I were depressed.   I have suffered from bouts of mild depression before and I guess she recognized the pattern.  I said that I didn't think so because overall things were going well in my life.  She pointed out my behavior and how I was stressing over the deaths and how they had affected me.  It was a light bulb moment.  I knew what I must do to combat the hold of depression.  There is no room for depression when you are enveloped in a blanket of praise and thanksgiving.  I am fighting to find my way back and I am down 6 pounds.  I am concentrating on the blessings I have received and the goodness of the Lord.  I am praying for healing and for God to take away the pain.  I am stronger than any desire to nibble and stress eat.  I worked too hard to lose the weight and cannot go back to where I started.  I stepped on the scale one week ago and was heartbroken at the 190.4 that stared up at me.  I wanted to cry, but that was the battle cry that snapped me completely back.  I have wanted to blog, but didn't have the courage to say what I was thinking or feeling.  Healing for me comes with writing.  This is catharsis.  I am finding my way back and will be stronger as a result.  I am sure I will have more moments, more challenges, but I am so happy to know that God is a comforter. I know that I am blessed beyond my wildest imagination and with the best yet to come, I will always find my way back to that place of praise where He resides.